Pega Solutions & Accelerators

Aaseya Inspection Solution (AIS)

Offers omni-channel inspections with configurable checklists, tracking, and non-compliance reporting.

Commercial Lending Solution (CLS)

Streamlines the lending process, from initial engagement to final repayment.

Aaseya Inspection Solution (AIS)

Offers omni-channel inspections with configurable checklists, tracking, and non-compliance reporting.

Commercial Lending Solution (CLS)

Streamlines the lending process, from initial engagement to final repayment.

Permit & Licensing Solution

Simplifies the application and management of government permits and licenses.

Aaseya Worker Authorization Constellation Solution (AWACS)

Enhances worker authorization with QR code identification and user-friendly design.

Permit & Licensing Solution

Simplifies the application and management of government permits and licenses.

Investment Management Solution

Supports onboarding, risk and compliance monitoring, and digital marketing for client acquisition.

Permit & Licensing Solution

Simplifies the application and management of government permits and licenses.

Investment Management Solution

Supports onboarding, risk and compliance monitoring, and digital marketing for client acquisition.

Aaseya Healthcare Solution (AHS)

Automates the Prior Authorization workflow, reducing errors and delays for better patient care focus.

OutSystems Solutions & Accelerators

Aaseya CRM Solution

Customizable CRM development on a low-code platform to meet unique business needs.

Aaseya Inspection Solution (AIS)

Offers omni-channel inspections with configurable checklists, tracking, and non-compliance reporting.

Aaseya CRM Solution

Customizable CRM development on a low-code platform to meet unique business needs.

Investor Onboarding

Ensures compliance with AML, KYC, Tax, & FATCA regulations, enhanced with document digitization.

Aaseya Inspection Solution (AIS)

Offers omni-channel inspections with configurable checklists, tracking, and non-compliance reporting.

Claim Adjudication

Improves claim processing efficiency through automation, supporting both disputed and undisputed claims.

Delegation of Authority

Implements a tier-based approval system for streamlined decision-making and faster processes.

Claim Adjudication

Improves claim processing efficiency through automation, supporting both disputed and undisputed claims.

Delegation of Authority

Implements a tier-based approval system for streamlined decision-making and faster processes.

Camunda Solutions & Accelerators

Telecom Order Management

Addresses the complex requirements of Telecom services with a flexible order management system.


Automates the microlending process from application to approval, including EMI calculations.

Telecom Order Management

Addresses the complex requirements of Telecom services with a flexible order management system.


Automates the microlending process from application to approval, including EMI calculations.

Aaseya Inspection Camunda Connector

Provides a versatile Inspection Platform that quickly adapts to regulatory changes.


Regulatory Compliance and Inspections Simplified

We all have seen some dramatic changes in the world due to non-conformity of specific business practices. What made business brand value to drop and even diminish in some cases? The answer to this question is that businesses failed to comply with the regulations causing damage to either health, safety
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Facilitating Oil & Gas industry perform safety inspections

Oil and gas safety inspections plays a critical part in maintaining safety and sustainability in the industry. These inspections ensure identifying and preventing environmental damage risk, financial losses, legal consequences, and threats to the life forms on the Earth. An inadequate inspection can lead to environmental hazards such as leaks,
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The Significance of Accessibility Testing: Ensuring Inclusivity in the Digital World

In today's digital age, where technology plays a pivotal role in our lives, ensuring accessibility for all is not just an obligation but also a legal requirement in many parts of the world. Accessibility testing is the process of evaluating digital products and services to ensure they are usable by
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